'Working for the conservation and preservation of Thorpe's woodlands as a haven for wildlife and a green space for the local community'.

Thursday, 21 November 2013

Socially Conscious Capital promotes another unwanted housing development in the face of local opposition

Only 10 days after trying to convince Thorpe St Andrew residents that it wishes to protect a much loved local woodland by building several hundred houses over it Socially Conscious Capital (SCC) has turned its gaze on a small Scottish village. Rock Feilding Mellen, who in addition to running SCC is the son of the Earl of Wemyss and March, has been promoting his father plans to build several hundred house on the family estate against the wishes of local villagers
The Edinburgh Evening News reported on the 19th November that:

“VILLAGERS up in arms at plans to build hundreds of homes on their doorstep claim they were delivered an astonishing snub by an aristocratic developer.

Residents in Longniddry say their concerns about proposals for farmland owned by the Earl of Wemyss and March on the edge of the village are being ignored.And they say that when the plans were criticised at a public meeting attended by about 300 people, the earl’s stepson, Rock Fielding, who is a Tory councillor in Kensington and Chelsea, told them: “The estate will not be dictated to by the village.””

The estate will not be dictated to by the village.” So says Socially Superior Capitalist Rock Fielding Mellen.

Rock has even resorted to the use of the now notorious Charette with the paper reporting that “An intensive three-day consultation session or “charette” was held on the plans last week – but villagers claim only two or three people attended on two of the days and about a dozen on the third because most people were at work during the day”.

It all sounds very familiar and once again underlines why Socially Conscious Capital’s proposals for an “arcadian development” over much of Thorpe Woods should be seen for what it is, an attempt to make a quick buck against the wishes of local residents and at the cost of a much loved County Wildlife Site.

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