Recently there have been a number of developments affecting Thorpe Woods.
The group Extinction Rebellion has held a number of meetings with the aim of preventing the development from taking place in the woods.
The Friends of Thorpe Woodlands (FOTW) and Extinction Rebellion (XR) are two very distinct groups.
FOTW was formed 10 years ago and has approximately 1000 local members.
The Friends welcome XR’s opposition to the development plans (#savethorpewoods) which would see 300 houses being built over a large area of local woodland.
Recent felling
We understand that the felling currently taking place in Thorpe Woods forms part of a long standing felling and replanting programme agreed by the owners with the Forestry Commission and is not part of the planned development work. That said, unless the owners (Thorpe & Felthorpe Trust) of the woods change their minds this damaging development will take place and hundreds of trees will be lost forever to be replaced by concrete and brick.
Jerome Mayhew
The Friends together with other interested groups are calling on Jerome Mayhew, the recently elected MP for Broadland and one of the Trustees and owners of Thorpe Woods, to reconsider their decision to build on this County Wildlife Site. As a member of the Conservative Environment Network, which exists to drive the green agenda in Westminster, we hope that he will listen to the strongly held views of local people and councillors and act to safeguard this woodland from destructive development.
Jerome Mayhew Conservative MP for Broadland