'Working for the conservation and preservation of Thorpe's woodlands as a haven for wildlife and a green space for the local community'.

Wednesday, 30 January 2019

Planning Inspectors Decision

This morning we received some very bad news regarding Thorpe Woods.

The planning inspectors decision has been published and unfortunately they have given consent to the application to build 300 houses over a large area of Racecourse Plantation.

The decision can be viewed by clicking on the planning inspectors link below.

The Friends will be consulting with Broadland District Council and the Norfolk Wildlife Trust about how best to respond to this shocking and very disappointing outcome.

Planning inspectors site

Wednesday, 23 January 2019

Final decision on future of Thorpe Woods due by the 30th January

Following the decision by Broadland District Council to turn down the application to build 300 houses over a large area of Thorpe Woods the developers, Socially Conscious Capital, appealed against the decision. As a consequence a public inquiry was held at the end of May 2018.

Since then we have been holding our breath for the planning inspectors decision, initially we thought that this may become available after a couple of months and then it was delayed until the 14th January.

As a consequence of ill health we now believe that the planning inspectors decision will be published on or before the 30th January. 

We shall publish the decision as soon as we become aware of it.

For more information about the inquiry and rest developments please use the links below: