Last year The Friends of Thorpe Woodlands were pleased to
hear that Broadland District Council had refused planning permission for the
highly damaging plans being put forward by the developers Socially Conscious
Capital to build 300 houses over a large area of this important County Wildlife
In the last few days we have been informed by the council
that the developer has appealed against this decision, once again demonstrating
how they are not interested in the views of local people or their councillors.
The appeal will be heard by the Planning Inspector at a
public inquiry.
The council continues to oppose this application as do
conservation bodies such as the Norfolk Wildlife Trust.
As someone who cares about these woods and the wildlife that
relies upon them you have an opportunity between now and the 10th January to send your
comments to the Planning
Details of the developers appeal can be viewed by clicking
on the link below:
How to oppose the appeal
If you would like to make a comment opposing the plans you
can either write to the planning inspector or send your comments via their
online portal which can be accessed by clicking on the following link and
follow the instructions, identifying yourself as an interested party:
If you would like to send a letter to the inspector you
should include your name and address; the Planning Inspectorate appeal
reference number which is APP/K2610/W/17/3188235
and the address of the appeal site which is:
Plantations, Plumstead Road East, Thorpe St Andrew, Norwich, NR7 9LW
and say ‘I am against the appeal proposals’ and explain your
own reasons, this may include:
Use black ink If possible and please send 3 copies.
- The range and types of wildlife that live there
- The key part that it plays as part of the environmental strategy for the entire area
- That there has been large scale local opposition to the plans for many years
- That Thorpe Woods is the largest area of woodland in Greater Norwich
- That it is recognised as an important County Wildlife Site
- That it should be considered as a key part of the Green Infrastructure Strategy for the whole area and should not be looked at in isolation.
- That its importance as green infrastructure will only increase as development progresses
- That the area of woodland at threat is larger than the majority of CWS’s in Norfolk
Copies of your representation will be sent to the appellant,
to any statutory parties and to the local planning authority.
Please send your letter to:
The Planning
Temple Quay House
2 The Square
Temple Quay
Your comments can make a big difference so please help us to
continue to protect these woods by making clear to the planning inspector that
you oppose any development in Racecourse and Belmore plantations.
Thank you and happy New Year.