'Working for the conservation and preservation of Thorpe's woodlands as a haven for wildlife and a green space for the local community'.

Tuesday, 13 December 2016

Thorpe St Andrew Town Council oppose latest application

A big thank you do all our members who came out at the last minute to Thorpe St Andrew Town Councils planning meeting last night.

The council unanimously voted to oppose the application and this decision will be passed to Broadland District Council who will consider the application in the new year and decide whether to reject it.

If you haven’t written to Broadland District Council to object to this application there is still time to do so.

If possible please could you include in your objection some or all of the following points:

That Thorpe Woods is the largest area of woodland in Greater Norwich

That it is recognised as an important County Wildlife Site

The application is contrary to national policy (National Planning Policy Framework expects the least environmentally important land should be allocated),

It is also contrary to local policy (The Joint Core Strategy Policy 1 also specifically requires that development should “minimise fragmentation of habitats and seek to conserve existing environmental assets of acknowledged regional or local importance”); and

That it should be considered as a key part of the Green Infrastructure  Strategy for the whole area and should not be looked at in isolation.

That its importance as green infrastructure will only increase as development progresses

That the area of woodland at threat is larger than the majority of CWS’s in Norfolk

That the woods were examined and consulted upon as part of the AAP planning process and that they were identified as being unsuitable for development

You can either write to:

Ben Burgess
Planning Projects Manager
Broadland District Council
Thorpe Lodge
1 Yarmouth Road
Thorpe St Andrew
Norwich, NR7 0DU

Or lodge it on the planning website using the following link:
