'Working for the conservation and preservation of Thorpe's woodlands as a haven for wildlife and a green space for the local community'.

Thursday, 17 November 2016

Planning application lodged to build on Thorpe Woods - Your chance to say NO

The developers Socially Conscious Capital have chosen to ignore the views of local people, conservation bodies and councillors and have lodged a planning application to build 300 houses over 25 acres of Thorpe Woods.

These plans would destroy a large area of this important County Wildlife Site and would severely damage the remaining woodland.

The Norfolk Wildlife Trust, who have identified the woods as a County Wildlife Site, have viewed the application and have issued an unequivocal statement opposing them, it states that rather than enhancing the woods the plans would “represent a major development and will have a significant adverse impact on the woodlands”. The area that will be destroyed is as large as Lion Wood and is larger than the majority of County Wildlife Sites in Norfolk.

The application is opposed by our local Councillors Ian Mackie, John Fisher and Nigel Shaw.

You have until the 8th December to make clear that you don't want this destructive development, please act now to save this valuable and much loved English woodland.

How you can say NO

Saying no to this application will only take 5 minutes of your time, simply click on the link below, this will take you to a comments form, fill in your details, state why you are opposed to the application and click the submit button at the bottom of the form.

CLICK HERE TO OBJECT TO THE APPLICATION  You have until the 8th December to make cleat that you are opposed to this unwanted and destructive development.

Alternatively you can write a letter to Broadland District Council stating that you are opposed to planning application 20161896 , please address your letter to:

Ben Burgess
Planning Projects Manager
Broadland District Council
Thorpe Lodge
1 Yarmouth Road
Thorpe St Andrew
Norwich, NR7 0DU

Reasons for opposing the application

Thorpe Woods is the largest area of woodland in Greater Norwich

The woods are recognised as an important County Wildlife Site

Thorpe Woods is not identified as development land in the Area Action Plan which has undergone thorough consultation and comment.

They once formed part of Mousehold Heath

They form a key part of the Green Infrastructure Strategy for the area.

In the 2013 consultation for Broadland District Council development plan over 2400 people objected to any level of development in Thorpe Woods, in fact Thorpe Woods received more objections than any other part of the plan.

Planning application 20161896