'Working for the conservation and preservation of Thorpe's woodlands as a haven for wildlife and a green space for the local community'.

Tuesday, 26 July 2016

New housing proposals would destroy an area of woodland larger than Lion Wood

Socially Conscious Capitals (SCC) revised plans for 300 houses in Thorpe Wood have been portrayed as having little impact on the woods. The plans envisage building over an area that would cover 10 hectares.

SCC are keen to downplay the significance of 10 hectares or 25 acres, however to give some idea as to how much woodland would be destroyed by this proposal it is worth bearing in mind that Lion Wood, just off Harvey Lane, only cover 9.2 hectares.
Lion Wood: the new plans would destroy an area of woodland larger than the whole of these woods
The truth is that this unwanted housing scheme would destroy an area of english woodland bigger than Lion Wood,this proposed development would have a disastrous effect on the ecology of Thorpe Woods.

Tuesday, 19 July 2016

Friends protest against new plans for 300 houses on Thorpe Woods

On Friday the 15th July at 5pm members of the Friends of Thorpe Woodlands gathered outside Dussindale Community Centre to show their strong oppostion to the latest proposals from Socially Conscious Capital to build 300 houses, roads etc over a large portion of Thorpe Woods.

The developers were hosting an invitation only event (to which we weren't invited) to try and promote their new scheme, however as can been seen from these photos local people remain firmly opposed to any development within the woods.

The story was also covered by the EDP and EEN which ran articles on the latest developments.

We will continue to monitor and oppose the developers attempts to build on this much loved greenspace.

Wednesday, 6 July 2016

Local Councillors Oppose Latest Development Proposals

Following on from the latest proposals by the developers Socially Conscious Capital to build 300 houses over Thorpe Woods the Friends have been contacted by Thorpe St Andrew Councillors who wanted to make clear their opposition to these plans.

Ian Mackie a Broadland Distrct Councillor and Mayor for Thorpe St Andrew said:

“Once again this is over-development and forms no part of the area action plan for approved sites. The plans for 300 houses would decimate the plantation. 

“I have opposed the plans previously and will continue to do so.

“Isn't it time these historic woodlands were given or sold to the public? This will be the third or forth attempt to irreparably damage this site of environmental significance.”

District and Town Councillor John Fisher underlined this opposition by issuing the following statement:

'The proposal site of Thorpe Woods is not identified as development land in the Area Action Plan which has undergone thorough consultation and comment. Major objections, over 2000, were received when the consultation for the Forward Plan went out for consultation, in fact responses to the Thorpe Woods site received more objections than any other parts of the plan, therefore I believe that development on this site is extremely unlikely at this time. The plan identifies suitable development sites up to 2026. Whilst I cannot speak for the whole Town Council, as current chairman of the planning committee I would expect the town council to continue their past policy of objecting to any development of Thorpe Woods. Whilst the proposal for 300 is reduced from the former proposals this development would still have a major impact upon the ecology of this important green lung on the edge of the built up area'.

The latest plans have also been condemned by The Norfolk Wildlife Trust who pointed out that the woods were a County Wildlife Site and that there were no examples of development being allowed on such a site in Norfolk.

The Friends together with local councilllors and conservation bodies such as the Norfolk Wildlife Trust oppose any plans for development in the woods.

Sunday, 3 July 2016

New Threat to Thorpe Woods

The Friends of Thorpe Woodland are disappointed to hear that the owners of Thorpe Woods have decided to ignore the views of local people and the stated position of Broadland District Council and have decided to once again put forward new proposals to build housing over Thorpe Woods. The latest plans differ little from their last attempt, they envisage building 300 houses together with supporting roads etc over a large area of the woods.

This new proposal ignores the fact that Broadland District Council has already formally identified enough land to accommodate house building for the next 10 years and that they have identified Thorpe Woods as an area unsuitable for development due to its importance as a County Wildlife site, and due to the widespread local opposition to any development on this much loved green space.
We gather that the developers Socially Conscious Capital have written to the council and have asked to meet them within the next week, therefore we think it is essential for us to once again make clear to the council that we continue to oppose any development in these beautiful woods.

You can help by please sending an email to the following local councillors stating you continued opposition to any development in Thorpe Woods, the following councillors have been longstanding supporters of Thorpe Woods and have staunchly opposed their development:

In addition to contacting the council you may also think about writing a letter to the press, their email address is  EDPLetters@archant.co.uk

 Socially Conscious Capitals new proposals can be viewed here: 

With your help we can once again protect Thorpe woods for future generations.

Thank you for your continued support.