'Working for the conservation and preservation of Thorpe's woodlands as a haven for wildlife and a green space for the local community'.

Thursday, 28 June 2012

Tree Warden Walk at Belmore Plantation

The Thorpe St Andrew Tree Wardens will be holding another walk at Belmore Plantation next Tuesday at 7pm.

The walk will start at the South Hill Road entrance to the woods and stout footwear is recommend.

Last years walk was a great success and so we hope as many people as possible will come along.

Monday, 18 June 2012

Strong Support for Protection of Thorpe Woods

Many respected bodies and individuals have issued strong statements of support for Thorpe Woods, these include The Woodland Trust, Norfolk Wildlife Trust and CPRE.

In addition local politicans including Councillors and the MP for Norwich North have set out their support for the campaign to save Thorpe Woods from development.

Please click here to read more about their support.

Statements of Support.